Sanjay Dutt-Controversies

Sanjay Dutt is a Bollywood actor who in the past, has been through quite a few ups and downs. Obviously this is regarding the 1993 bombings in Bombay which had him arrested for possession of illegal weapons. After serving his sentence, he was released in 2016. Sanjay Dutt has been the stereotypical bad boy of Bollywood. His drug addiction was […]

Pandemic Heroes- Contributions.

The entire world is facing a pandemic which has left many starving or without their families. Covid has left the entire world on its feet, racing to find a vaccine, earning money for their families and trying to get home. This year has been very difficult for a majority of people. With this being said, there have been a few […]

Nepotism Or Talent?

Nepotism is a word that we have been hearing very often in Bollywood nowadays. Ever since Sushant Singh Rajput passed away, nepotism has been the talk of the nation. But what exactly is nepotism and how is it linked to Bollywood? Let’s find out why.  What Is Nepotism?  Nepotism is based on favoritism granted to relatives in various fields, including […]

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un in COMA

UPDATE: Kim Jong-Un is in Coma right now. His sister Kim Yo now the ruler of North Korea. In this article, we have updated some details about Kim Yo-Jong in the Possible Heirs section. Read the article and share your views in comments! Kim Jong-Un is a North Korean politician who has been the supreme leader of North Korea since […]

Sushant Singh Rajput – #JusticeForSSR

Sushant Singh Rajput, a young and dynamic and humble Bollywood star reportedly committed suicide on 14th June 2020. That incident took away everybody by shock. In this article, we will try to put together all the events and things together that we know about this mysterious high profile case. We will start with a small introduction of Sushant Singh Rajput […]

How Big Is Reliance?

Reliance – It doesn’t require any introduction. It is well-known label that associates with trust and reliability. The Reliance Industries that was founded by Dhirubhai Ambani has a undergone 47 years long journey where it saw many ups and downs. It also experienced a split in 2005 after the sad demise of Dhirubhai ( 6 July 2002). Dhirubhai Ambani was […]

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