Sanjay Dutt-Controversies

Sanjay Dutt is a Bollywood actor who in the past, has been through quite a few ups and downs. Obviously this is regarding the 1993 bombings in Bombay which had him arrested for possession of illegal weapons. After serving his sentence, he was released in 2016. Sanjay Dutt has been the stereotypical bad boy of Bollywood. His drug addiction was […]

Health Misconceptions- The Top 10.

Health is a very broad and controversial topic. Health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Ever since Google has become our best friend, we prefer just googling our symptoms and treatments without consulting a doctor. Those symptoms and treatments may or may not be right for you but who cares? If google says it, it’s probably […]

Pandemic Heroes- Contributions.

The entire world is facing a pandemic which has left many starving or without their families. Covid has left the entire world on its feet, racing to find a vaccine, earning money for their families and trying to get home. This year has been very difficult for a majority of people. With this being said, there have been a few […]

Social Media Addiction

You’re probably reading this because you’re on your phone right now and have nothing else to do. Most of our time in a day goes through scrolling through Instagram or making friends on Facebook. Sometimes we become so involved in the inside world that we forget about the outside world for a while. Tell me if i’m wrong, but what’s […]

Yoga And The 13 Types

Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices which originated in India. It is an art and a science. It is a science because it offers practical methods for controlling your body and mind. It is an art, for unless it is practiced intuitively and sensitively it will yield only superficial results. Yoga is not a system of […]

Nepotism Or Talent?

Nepotism is a word that we have been hearing very often in Bollywood nowadays. Ever since Sushant Singh Rajput passed away, nepotism has been the talk of the nation. But what exactly is nepotism and how is it linked to Bollywood? Let’s find out why.  What Is Nepotism?  Nepotism is based on favoritism granted to relatives in various fields, including […]

Diabetes – All You need to know

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose (or blood sugar) is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy. It comes from the food that you eat. Insulin (a hormone made by the pancreas) helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough or any […]

Orthorexia- Obsession With Health

Back in the day, it was believed that home food is healthy food. People believed that eating home food meant that they were eating healthy, and outside food was considered as unhealthy. Throughout the years, the idea of “healthy” has changed drastically. Now, Cornflakes and Green tea is considered to be the new healthy. Quinoa, oats, smoothies, kale and seeds […]

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