Top Pure (Shudh) Hindi Rappers and Songs

Hip-hop has spread from the USA to the whole world. The culture of Hip-hop blends with cultures of different regions and their own flavor of hip-hop is born. Desi Hip-hop is a term used to represent all Hindi rappers including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and other countries. These rappers rap in their mother-tongue languages. A large part of India is […]

Top 10 Diss Tracks (Desi Hiphop)

Diss tracks have become the new cool recently. For those of you who don’t know, a diss track is a song whose primary purpose is to verbally attack someone else, usually another artist. Diss tracks are often the result of an existing, escalating feud between the two people. In the course of constructing their argument, artists often include a wealth […]

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